Director European Office – Alabama Department of Commerce

Made in Alabama

Alabama’s economic ties with Europe – in particular, Germany — trace back for decades. Germany has become Alabama’s No. 1 source of foreign direct investment, totaling $8.5 billion since 1999, according to Alabama Department of Commerce estimates.

While major European corporations such as Mercedes, Airbus, GKN Aerospace, Evonik, BASF and Siemens all have operations in Alabama, the state has also attracted a significant number of smaller European businesses, particularly specialty manufacturers.

A total of 82 German companies have operations in Alabama, more than any other foreign country, according to Alabama Department of Commerce data. Other European countries with a significant business presence in Alabama are France (51 companies), the United Kingdom (26 companies) and Sweden (11 companies).

In addition, countries in the European Union are a major destination for Alabama exports, which exceed $7 billion annually, according to E.U. data. Top categories for Alabama-made goods shipped to the E.U. are motor vehicles and parts, minerals, aerospace products, paper and chemicals.


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Learn more about the AlabamaGermany Partnership:

Member of the Association Verband Deutscher Werkzeug- und Formenbauer e.V.:

Mitglied im VDWF

Member of the
Swiss Aerospace Cluster


Member of
AmCham Austria

Mitglied bei AmCham Austria

Resource efficiency
consultant Umwelt
Technik BW

Ressourceneffizienzberater Umwelt Technik BW

Member of the Deutscher Mittelstands-Bund (DMB) e.V.

Mitglied im DMB

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